


I am a Psychotherapist and ​Psychologist working with a ​variety of Mindfulness-based ​therapies. I specialise in ​borderline personality disorder, ​Post-traumatic stress disorder, ​anxiety and depression.

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Empty psychological therapy office

As your ​therapist

My love for Therapy and Psychology came from ​meeting a different array of personalities through ​my travels and growing up. I have generational ​trauma in my family and, unconsciously, I believe ​my passion for Psychology came from wanting to ​understand this more and how it affected my ​family, as well as myself.

Now having gained more knowledge of my families ​mental and emotional generational journey, I am ​inspired to play this role for others who want help ​doing the same.

My goal is to listen, understand and help with ​reason(s) for coming to therapy that can bring ​relief short-term, and show you the tools and ​wisdom to be able to handle similar issues in the ​future.

I've worked with

I've learned from

  • The Open University (October 2015 – July 2019) Achieving a 2.1 (Honours) in Science of Psychology. Earning ​me a membership with the British Psychological Society (688969)

  • The International University of Valencia (September 2019 – July 2021) Achieving an 8 out of 10 (‘Notable’) ​grade in a second language.
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The therapeutic ​approach I take

In general, my approach to therapy is to, ​together, listen, understand and overcome ​by being curious about where the problem ​roots in the mind and body and begin to ​use my knowledge and your experience to ​reduce suffering by understanding where ​this is coming from and achieve mental ​clarity that will last even after therapy has ​finished.

I am certified in and use a combination of, ​scientific-based therapies such as ​Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical ​Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and ​Commitment Therapy, Positive Psychology ​and Mindfulness.

Woman in White Long Sleeves Lying on Sofa
Singing Bowl with Stones and Massage Oil on Gray Cloth

My therapy ​reviews from ​clients

‘Shannon is a very good listener ​and great at describing concepts ​to explain how I can make ​adjustments to my life. The ​materials that are sent are also ​very beneficial to learn further ​outside of therapy. It feels that ​proper research is done before ​each session and that Shannon is ​very thorough with well though-​out steps forward.‘

‘I think it's been a huge help ​and relief in my personal ​life for me to have a ​professional to speak to ​and take the pressure off ​"venting" to my friends. It ​also helps to have a ​professional opinion and ​feedback/tools to help ​navigate situations in my ​life.’

‘Shannon is extremely kind and ​approachable. I find it very easy ​to open up and speak to my ​issues in our sessions.’

‘Shannon, I think you've been ​great. I've struggled with finding ​a therapist that I'm comfortable ​with and that I feel like I get ​benefit from so I feel very happy ​that I found your profile and ​connected. Thank you!’

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Types of Therapy Sessions

Talking about..

Why you are seeking therapy, what we can do to help the issue(s), therapeutic approach, my background, prices, initial ​documents to be filled out and any question you may have about therapy. The link to a pre-session is in the title.

Depending on the issue at hand we will..

use your perspective and knowledge and my psychology background and therapeutic knowledge to reduce suffering in ​the moment and overcome the issue long term. The link to this session is in the title.

We can do the same as above in a 45 minute meeting. The link to this session is in the title.

We can do the same as above in a 30 minute meeting. The link to this session is in the title.

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Work with Me

Starting therapy is hard and finding the right ​therapist can be tricky. You are more than ​welcome to reach out to me and ask any ​questions and/or give any information that ​may make this process easier.

Email address:

Alternatively, if you don’t have any questions ​and would like to get started with the therapy ​process immediately, you can book a pre-​session using the link below.

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